How Can BHRT Treatment Benefit You?
Hormones play a vital role in ensuring our well-being by controlling most of the basic bodily functions. They can be described as the body’s internal communication system that prompt cells throughout the body to respond accordingly. How we experience things like growth, digestion, appetite, immune function, mood and libido depends on how our hormone coordinate. Thus, if there are any irregularities in your hormones, your health and wellness is affected. Hormonal irregularities could be a result of under production or over production of a particular hormone.
Generally, men and women have the same hormones, but in different concentrations and from different production sites. The way the hormones interact with different body cells is also varies between the genders. Age, diet, genetics and environmental factors can interfere with hormone balance resulting to various symptoms that may be unique to each gender. The symptoms can be frustrating and uncomfortable to live with which is why Uthology, a functional medicine clinic in Waukesha, Wisconsin was set up to provide patients with hormonal imbalance treatment.
What is BHRT?
The initial BHRT stand for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, a method used to correct hormonal imbalance through use of bioidentical hormones. As inferred by the term ‘bioidentical’, the hormones used in this kind of treatment usually bare a similar chemical structure to that of hormone naturally produced by the body. Just like synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are also produced in the lab but their effect on the body and their structure closely matches those of your natural hormones. There are also cases where the hormones are compounded, meaning thar they are customized by a pharmacist under the directions of a doctor.
The hormones used in BHRT are usually derived from plants. The objective is usually to use them boost bodily hormones and create a balance that allows for optimal bodily functions. Common hormones matched in the treatment include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones.
Who needs BHRT?
Hormone replacement therapy is for any person that suffering from symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. Both men and women can benefit from the therapy but it should be done under the instructions of a qualified and certified doctor.
BHRT is mostly used on patients at the perimenopause and menopause stages, as this is when most people tend to experience hormonal imbalances. Some of the symptoms associated with these phases include hot flashes, loss of interest in sex, vaginal dryness, sleeping difficulties, hot flashes, reduced energy, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, memory loss, weight gain and night sweats. a person may not necessarily experience all these symptoms, they vary from one individual to the other. It can also be used to improve conditions that may not be directly linked to aging such as insulin resistance, osteoporosis, thyroid disorders and fibromyalgia.
There are indications that BHRT is more popular among women than men. perhaps this is due to the fact that women start to experience hormonal balances much earlier than men, which comes with hard to ignore symptoms. Beginning in early or mid-30’s, the ovaries begin to produce more estrogen and les progesterone leading to a disruption in the ideal ratio between the two hormones in the body. This cause negative responses throughout the body since the ideal situation is that the two hormonesoperate like a see-saw, shifting up and down alternately, throughout out your monthly cycle. Pregnancy is also another reason for women experiencing great shifts in hormonal balance.
How is BHRT Performed?
BHRT is administered in various forms. After a thorough analysis and examination by your doctor, it will be determined which form of the therapy best suits you. Bioidentical hormones are available in form of pills, patches, injections, creams and gels. The dosage is often adjusted depending on the symptoms you are presenting and the ultimate goal for undergoing the treatment. While under treatment, you may need to have routine blood, urine and saliva tests to monitor your hormone levels and then the dosage will be adjusted accordingly.
The biggest benefit of BHRT is their ability to help manage unpleasant symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause. It is also thought to help reduce risk of diabetes, tooth loss as well as cataracts. Bioidentical hormones are also considered to be much safer, effective and with fewer side effects when compared to their synthetic counterparts.