Types and Benefits of IV Therapy
If you have never heard of it before, you may be wondering, ‘What IV Therapy is?’. It is a treatment that involves direct delivery of nutrients and fluids into your blood stream. This ensures immediate absorption and use of the materials by the body. IV Therapy is also called Intravenous Therapy.
The treatment has been around for hundreds of years but has recently gained popularity due to the increase in the number of people experiencing depression and anxiety among the working class. Intravenous therapy is known to be the quickest method used for the delivery of nutrients and medications into your bloodstream.
The treatment was initially used on patients with either nutrient deficiency, dehydration and those who lacked the ability to ingest medication orally due to their (the patients’) condition. It is however not uncommon these days to find perfectly healthy individuals using IV Therapy with the intent of boosting their health.
Types of IV Therapy
1.IV Therapy intended to deliver blood (Blood transfusion)
2.IV Therapy intended to deliver fluids (For patients experiencing dehydration)
3.IV Therapy intended to deliver nutrients
4.IV Therapy intended to administer medications
The commonly used ingredients for IV Therapy include the following:
- B Vitamins
- Zinc and Calcium
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
Similarly, IV treatment may contain an antioxidant like glutathione and amino acids as well.
Common IV Treatment Vitamin Cocktails
1.Detoxification booster IV infusion
This is a mixture of minerals, essential fluids and vitamins capable of reducing the toxic load in your body.
2.Hydration IV drips
The mixture is beneficial to athletes attempting to boost their performance and people with dehydration as result of either diarrhea or vomiting.
3.Immunity booster IV
This infusion contains strong antioxidants such as arginine, glutathione and cysteine which assist your body to fight off viruses and the flu.
4.Myers Cocktail IV
It contains vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins. The mixture is alleged to boost your energy levels and immunity.
5.NAD+ Anti-aging IV treatment
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is the constituent of this mixture. It is a crucial enzyme present in every human cell. The enzyme assists your body to remedy the effects of oxidation and repairing tissues that are damaged.
Advantages of Going for IV Therapy
1.Since it is directly administered into your blood stream, IV Therapy is quick and effective.
2.Asthma treatment.
3.Improves your immunity.
4.It boosts your energy levels.
5.IV therapy cleans your blood.
6.It helps make you look younger by reducing ageing signs.
7.The treatment helps to enhance your complexion.
8.IV treatment gives you better sleeping patterns.
9.It enhances your concentration and focus.
10.IV therapy assists your body to balance your blood sugar.
11.It elevates your states of relaxation and calmness.
Recently, most people go for IV Therapy because they are stressed. The treatment however as illustrated above has a wide range of benefits. However, IV therapy is generally known to improve your health and immunity.
Apart from asthma treatment, IV Therapy can also assist in the management of other chronic conditions such as; narcotics withdrawal, allergies, migraines, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, acute muscle spasms and tension headaches.
Although most people claim to experience the effects of the treatment immediately after infusion, the effects take 12 to 24 hours to kick in. The effects may last 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the cocktail you are infused with as well as the frequency of the treatments.
Before having the IV Therapy, you should make the following considerations:
- In case you are suffering from a certain medical condition, you should first consult with your doctor to know if going for an IV Therapy is okay for you or it is risky.
- Before the clinician appoints or rejects you for the IV treatment, they should inquire about your medical history.
- You should ensure the doctor administering the IV Treatment to you is aware of all your medical concerns and conditions and he should be certified.
- You should conduct a thorough research on the clinic before going for an IV Therapy.
- You should not hesitate to ask for credentials in case you are in doubt.
- During the treatment, do not let the nurses rush you. Make sure they explain every process before performing it on you.
In case you are considering making a visit to a functional medicine doctor near you for IV Therapy, book an appointment with us today at Uthology for the best IV Therapy in Waukesha,WI.